Acne is a common skin condition that affects men and women of all ages. While it is more common amongst adolescents, acne also affects adults in their 20s, 30s and even 50s. Acne is also effects women more due to hormonal changes throughout the month – and life.
So what causes acne?
Pimples form when the oil and dead skin cells on your skin combine to form a plug that blocks the pores. In normal circumstances the skin sheds dead skin cells. But when the skin is overproducing sebum (oil), the dead skin cells can get stuck in your pores. When these pores become inflamed, you start to notice papules, pustules, pimples and cystic lesions.
How can acne be treated?
When it comes to finding the right acne treatment, there are millions of products – and for good reason! There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to acne treatment. Not everyone responds to the same type of treatment. With that in mind, it can be difficult to figure out exactly what treatments are best for you. At Winelands Aesthetics, we take a personal approach, making use of the most advanced and clinically proven acne treatments, suited to your needs.
During you one-on-one consultation, we will be able to assess your particular needs and advise which treatments may be beneficial for the type of acne you are experiencing. The most effective acne treatments we can suggest include:
- Deep Cleansing Facials
For mild acne, a deep cleansing facial can be done monthly to remove pustules and comedones and facilitate healing of the acne. - Chemical Peels
There are many types of chemical peels, but those with salicylic acid or glycolic acid can be used to treat clogged pores, reduce pore size and help balance the skin’s oil production. - Microdermabrasion
Microdermabrasion exfoliates the skin with the gentle application of fine crystals to the face. This treatment can be used for mild acne and inactive acne lesions to remove dead skin cells and improve the health, texture and color of the skin. - Microneedling
Dermapen microneedling can be beneficial for those with acne as the microneedles stimulate the skin’s natural healing process and improves skin texture. Microneedling can also reduce the appearance of acne scars.
Since each person is different, treatment will be tailored specifically to you as the patient. Treatments are also highly effective when used together with long term maintenance program and professional grade skincare products. We will also be able to advise on skincare products for your specific case.
Be sure to book your consultation to find out exactly which treatments are best suited for your particular case and how best to manage acne and acne scarring.